Are You a Current Homeowner Needing to Update Your Contact Information?
We work with many homeowners and condo associations to assist in efficiently and effectively serving communities to be the best that they can be. Our office is structured with a specialized Association Management division, with individuals specifically trained in association management. Typically, the first question we receive from associations looking into our services is, "What do you do and how much does it cost?" This question is always answered with the question, "what are you looking for?". We recognize that each association has needs specific that your community. Therefore, our contracts are customized for the needs of your association.
We recognize that each association has unique needs and desires to make your community great. If your association is in the process of considering hiring a professional property manager or is looking to possibly change management companies, we’d love to help you navigate this.
Here are some great talking points to assist your association in determining not only who they want managing their association, but what they want managed.
When your Board or Directors or Committee first began talking about hiring or switching management companies, what were the key goals that you wanted to achieve?
How do you foresee your association's relationship with the management company? (How much communication do you want? How do you want this communication sent? What has worked well in the past? What has not worked well in the past? What do you want changed?)
Do you want management to facilitate and/or organize annual meetings?
Do you want management to handle vendor contracts?
How often are you wanting management physically present at your association?
Have you had a Reserve Study completed? If so, when? Accolade Property Management Group can provide limited services, such as Financial Management only, or a more all inclusive offering with Full Management Services. Depending on the size and structure of your organization, we will customize a proposal specific to your needs. We look forward to hearing how we can best serve your association.
By having these conversations with the board of directors and homeowners in your association, you will be able to clearly articulate what the needs are of your association to a management company!
Accounting Accounts Payable Financial Statements Budget Preparation/Tracking Account Management Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reporting
Maintaining Non Profit Status
Physical Management
Management of Grounds and Buildings under the direction of the board
Maintain Curb Appeal
Service to Homeowners
Regular Office Hours
Direct Communication via Office Phone, Cell Phone & Email
Assisting board with annual meeting & adherence to CCR’s
Customized management for each individual community